Positive, Audience Participant, Family, Children and Adult Shows...
Children & Family Shows Clean Comedy...
Corporate, Schools, Private Event, Birthdays & More
Regardless of the show, a (30 min.) fast pace or a casual pace (50-60 min.) show, you'll enjoy the variety of comedy magic, ventriloquism and audience participation for both the children and adults present.
(40) min. or (50 - 60) min. Show
Inspirational Shows
Corporate Events, Conferences, Organizations, Private Events, Schools, Camps and More...
Adult Shows
Clean comedy, but not quite squeaky.
20-30 min. Performance: Fast Pace Show with high energy..comedy magic and fun, dramatic and inspirational escape magic.....
50-60 min. Performances: A Casual Pace Show more variety of comedy magic and audience participation. Comedic and delightful ventriloquist act capping with dramatic and inspirational escape magic.....